Friday, October 31, 2008

Bad Credit Blues

Recession, Recession, Recession.....

Recession, Recession, Recession.....

People it's real and it' happening. Now that this is a reality, it's now time to get financially savvy. This is something that I have to constantly remind myself; those shoes that I absolutely have to have, I'll suck it up, wipe my tear and walk away. Maybe I should just cut out extra shopping all together.

Because of the recent Government bail out, you better believe that credit will be a major factor in making sure this economy survives. Credit scores are more important than ever. But don't get intimidated by this matter because there are many ways to start getting your financing together and building up your credit.

Number 1. Manage your monthly budget. See how much you spend on necessities and find out what extra you have and determine how much you can save and how much you can put towards paying of debt.

Number 2. Stop dodging bill collector and find out exactly how much you owe. Work out a plan that fits into your budget.

Number 3. Work out a monthly financial plan that will help you stay on track with your spending. Make a get out of debt goal for yourself. Give yourself a timeline for when you will be out of debt.

Be aware of debt consolidation scams by doing research on debt collectors.

It is time to pay attention to the miscellaneous seemingly small purchases because $5.00 can easily get to $50.00 and so on. Just because you have bad credit doesn't mean that your financially doomed for the rest of your life.

This is reality people and if you want to be prepared for the real world, your finances are going to have to be on track. Student loan will start calling you not even six months after you graduate.

This is definitely not meant to scare you. But to make you aware of the importance taking care of your finances.

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